The OneView Physician Quality (PQ) Package is designed to meet a healthcare organization’s physician quality program reporting and data submission requirements for MEDITECH Medical Practice Management (MPM), Web Ambulatory, or non-MEDITECH Practice Management systems with industry standard data integration capabilities. Additionally, the PQ Package can collect MEDITECH EHR hospital-based (acute care) physician activity for reporting and submission. OneView’s PQ Package supports the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Program including the Promoting Interoperability, Quality, and Improvement Activities Categories.

Data values and coding, including Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) nomenclature mapping, are determined by the configuration and specific business practices implemented by a healthcare organization. The OneView PQ Package is inclusive of implementation and customization services, data validation services, report generation and management, submission management services, data submission services, and audit support services. OneView’s PQ Package also offers a comprehensive set of program-specific analytics and dashboards.

The OneView PQ Package provides the ability to capture and report on performance measures, validate measure results for accuracy and adherence to business practices, analyze results for trends and patterns, and permanently document the processes under which EHR data was collected. Features of the Package include:

  • A well-organized web-based portal application with a familiar user interface (UI) from which reports presenting Physician Summary and Detail information can be presented for review and validation as well as program attestation or electronic submission.
  • A pre-compiled datamart allowing physician quality data to be organized and indexed efficiently.  This design allows reports to render results very quickly.
  • The ability to easily import non-MEDITECH EHR PQ activity into the OneView PQ datamart for consolidated provider reporting.  Note that data for Advancing Care Information measures must be derived from a certified EHR technology. See Practice Management System Data Capture below.
  • A robust set of data validation reports including the ability to diagnose detailed criteria answering why a performance measure is met, or not met, for each individual patient.
  • A set of nomenclature mapping “discovery” reports to assist in annual updates of VSAC nomenclature and ensuring proper code-mapping and best practice implementation in the EHR system.
  • A set of analysis reports that provide insight into how performance measure values were arrived at for each CQM. These reports are intended to assist in identifying sources impacting low performance and to aid in implementing new or modified business practices that will improve performance measures.
  • Dashboard reports that clearly convey a snapshot of performance measures.
  • The ability to log and report on activity by any user who views patient PHI data in the PQ Package.
  • Tools, reports, and consulting services that help ensure you are properly prepared for a Program audit.
  • A commitment to support Quality Program education and change requirements under the software maintenance agreement. See OneView PQ Education and Training below.

The Physician Quality tab

This tab provides access to a complete set of actions for reporting, validation, analysis, and attestation:

Report on Promoting Interoperability, Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR), ORYX.

Choose a report to render when application starts.

Manage user report preferences and subscriptions.

Manage alerts and notifications.

Manage dictionary assignment.

Report access is used to assign permissions to user and/or groups to access reports.

Hospital Settings sets the default attributes associated with the current attestation reporting period.

Allows  users to have Administrator rights for emergency situations.

Manage attestation submissions and historical snapshots.

Access custom reports specific to the site.

View activity per user for audit logs.

Access Customer Support portoal to enter tickets for issues, assistance, access resources in the Knowledge base such as Help Guides, FAQ and Ideas Forum.