Version 5.0.7
OneView Physician Quality Release Notes
What's New in OneView Physician Quality 5.0.7
Release Date: Monday, August 5, 2019
Acmeware is pleased to announce that our OneView Physician Quality package version 5.0.7 is available for general release. Version 5.0.7 adds new functionality and support for eReporting for the 2019 reporting period electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) including the latest eCQM specifications from CMS.
OneView 5.0.7 includes updates to reflect the 2019 Reporting Period eCQM Specifications. This update includes the new CQM logic, Clinical Quality Language (CQL), as well as updates to nomenclature mapping codes, value sets from the NLM Value Set Authority Center and updated clinical best practices guidance from MEDITECH.
OneView 5.0.7 also includes updates to reflect the 2019 Promoting Interoperability objectives and measures for MIPS Eligible Clincinas as well as the new performance-based scoring methodology.
OneView 5.0.7 includes built-in support for ALL MEDITECH platforms including MAGIC, CS, 6.0, and Expanse.
Here's a summary of what's new in this update:
Quality Programs: OneView Physician Quality (PQ) continues to support the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) reporting and submission and the Medicaid Promoting Interoperability for Eligible Professionals reporting. Workflows and mapping associated with the 2019 reporting period requirements will need to be reviewed and incorporated to ensure that these items are accurately configured for this new release.
MIPS Promoting Interoperability 2019 Measures:
OneView PQ has been updated to reflect the 2019 Objectives and Measures as finalized in the CY 2019 QPP Final Rule. The 2019 Medicaid Objectives and Measures are those that were previously finalized for Stage 3 along with the threshold scoring methodology.
e-Prescribing Objective:1
- e-Prescribing
Health Information Exchange Objective
- Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending Health Information
- Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Incorporating Health Information2
Provider to Patient Exchange Objective
- Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information
Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange3
- Syndromic Surveillance Reporting
- Immunization Registry Reporting
- Electronic Case Reporting
- Public Health Registry Reporting
- Clinical Data Registry Reporting
Protect Patient Health Information4
- Security Risk Analysis
1 The two e-Prescribing bonus measures are not available in this release as we are awaiting MEDITECH Best Practice/CMS Final Ruling.
2 Pending certification testing with Drummond
3 These are yes/no measures, that you can assign in Manage Dictionaries to contribute to your PI Score in OneView.
4 This is a yes/no measure. You must assign this measure in Manage Dictionaries to earn any points in PI.
Submission Wizard: The ability to create electronic submission for 2019 has been disabled and will be available in an upcoming release. Workflows associated with the 2019 reporting period requirements will need to be reviewed and OneView output data validated to ensure that these items are accurately configured for this new release. As a quality reporting submission vendor, Acmeware has a fiduciary responsibility with clinical quality reporting to CMS. Due to Acmeware standards and these significant changes, we have disabled the lock functionality in this release, but it will be reinstated, as appropriate.
New Features and Enhancements: (for all platforms unless specified)
Manage Dictionaries:
- Updated manage dictionaries for CPOE (Medicaid Only) to read Diagnostic Imaging. The RAD category includes all diagnostic imaging to reflect the Stage 3 measure requirements.
- PI Reporting Stage field was removed from Hospital/Provider Settings as reporting years 2019 forward are all Stage 3.
- Problem Reconciliation Query Dictionary name has been updated to remove (Stage 3 ONLY) as reporting years 2019 forward are all Stage 3. The tooltip was also updated as this dictionary is used to denote that the current problem list is reconciled for Support Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving and Incorporating Health Information Measure (HIE_4 Medicare/Dual Eligible) or Clinical Information Reconciliation Measure (HIE_3 Medicaid).
- Tool tips on column headers have been replaced with an expanding informational panel. Click on link located above the grid.
- PI Objective Measure Summary report was updated to show 2019 performance-based scoring methodology including points earned/total points. Medicaid reports are unchanged for 2019.
- PI and CQM reports measure specification links were updated to the 2019 specification documents.
- MIPS Dashboard was updated to reflect the category scoring and weights for 2019 reporting.
- Added a new web-based code listing search report, Value Set Search by Code, to allow users to search by code for CQMs.
- Added attributes to the Value Set Search by OID report.
- Patient's age on PI drill-down reports were being calculated when reports ran. Now they show age at each encounter, so one patient with multiple encounters/visits could show multiple ages on the reports. Customer Support Ticket: #6306
- Updated CQM report parameters to always pull from current specification version per the dictionary table. Impact: Saves a step in the installation and updates of reports.
- Removed the Eligible for CEHRT column from the IA Summary and IA Summary by Group reports as there is no longer a PI bonus for IA eligible for CEHRT. As a result of these changes, the bonus was removed from the PI scoring on the MIPS Dashboard.
- CMS159: Updated the measure calculation to a weighted average per CMS requirement as it is a multiple rate measure. Impact: Beginning with 2019 reporting, the overall rate for CMS159 is the weighted average of the two individual rates.
- Modules and components were added to the standard code to accommodate for HIE integrations.
Fixes: (for all platforms unless specified)
Please Note: Customer Support Tickets referenced below may be Acmeware client specific and are not visible to all clients on the Customer Support Portal.
- Fixed an issue that was causing duplicate rows on Patient Summary Validation Report. Impact: Report will no longer show duplicate rows.
- MAGIC: In the RxmRxMedRecActions table, the MedRecAction column was extended to 255 characters by MEDITECH. Impact: No longer limits the length of field when collecting data. Customer Support Ticket: 5697
- MAT615: Enhanced the collection of lab nomenclature data. Impact: OneView will pick up additional nomenclature codes for labs. Customer Support Ticket: #6315
- MAT60: Added new collection codes for home medications to align with those added in MEDITECH EHR. Impact: OneView will now pick up additional home med codes for measure calculations.